UK to Test New Anti-Drone Laser Vehicles - M5 Dergi
Defence News

UK to Test New Anti-Drone Laser Vehicles

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The United Kingdom will begin testing Raytheon’s high-energy laser weapon system (HELWS) on its Wolfhound tactical support vehicle for a period to last six months.

According to Raytheon senior regional director Jason Nelsen, the experimentation period will demonstrate the vehicle’s capabilities in taking down enemy drones with the weapon system. It will also give the armed forces the needed strength and accuracy against increasing aerial threats.

The laser weapon features a multi-spectral targeting system and an electro-optical and infrared sensor that enables increased precision in hitting targets, as it provides accuracy confirmation after locking onto enemy drones.

Furthermore, the laser is equipped with a command-and-control system, global positioning system (GPS) antenna, and an external tracker developed in the UK.

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